Free-moN attempts to raise-the-bar for N scale modular railroading by specifying standards for bench work, track and digital control that promotes, and even forces, prototypical appearance and operational characteristics. This document contains standards that must be followed to the letter and recommendations, in italics, that have been gathered from various sources.
These are the goals that the standards presented here are attempting to achieve as they apply to N scale. Each standard set forth below must satisfy at least one of these goals.
The Free-moN standard has the following objectives in mind:
The following list summarizes the spirit and benefits of free-moN over existing modular N scale standards:
These standards allow for module construction that is free form between the end-plates resulting in flexible and adaptable layout configurations to fit any available space.
The Free-moN Community includes all individuals building, owning, operating, or interested in components of Free-moN, and actively engaging or participating with the community in good faith. There are several outlets to engage with the Free-moN community in either a physical, virtual, public or private setting. While some methods may be more active or preferred within the community, no single outlet is or will be endorsed as official. Inquiries are best sent to sources most local to you or a broad selection of groups. Below is a list of the most respected methods for engaging and participating with the Free-moN community as a whole or by region or locale. Many groups have designated a public contact who has volunteered to field inquiries and connect them with the Free-moN Community.